[7:12:39 PM] haha. so they asked in the exam what is psychomotor retardation
[7:12:54 PM] AND
[7:12:58 PM] : now i checked it
[7:13:10 PM] : i googled "MENTAL retardation" wikipedia
[7:13:12 PM] : and read
[7:13:14 PM] i was like
[7:13:17 PM] : bloody hell
[7:13:24 PM] : i wrote something totally different. how come i never realised it was about intellectual disability. lol.
[7:14:11 PM] : but these are kind of tricky. easy but tricky. i never checked what is psychomotor retardation or extraversion, they were so obvious
[7:14:24 PM] : but now you have to write about them
[7:14:32 PM] : you are like, well. actually. what are they?
[7:14:49 PM] : you memorised all that bloody complicated studd
[7:14:51 PM] : stuff
[7:14:57 PM] : then one of the few questions they ask is what is extraversion
[7:15:13 PM] : you feel so stupid
[7:15:22 PM] : cos you realise you dont know what it is
asiasta haravaan.....