Wednesday, May 24, 2017

pienen pieniä lainauksia suuren suuressa maailmassa

"nothing is good or bad; thinking makes it so."

"everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence."

"vibes speak louder than words."

"you will see in the world what you carry in your heart."

"i'm too crazy to tell and you are too normal to listen."

"Life has to be lived as a song. To live it as less than that is to miss it. One has to introduce the quality of dance into one's whole life. Dance should not be a thing apart, it should be the flavour of one's being. And songs should not be something that one sings once in a while. It should be one's breathing, the very heartbeat. I call that life religious. That's what praising God really is: when everything that one is doing has become song, one has become an offering to God. And the song should be of bliss because life is such a blessing. We are not worthy of it, yet we have taken it for granted. Not only that -- we go on complaining. We go on complaining that it should be like this and like that and why is it like this ? We are immensely ungrateful.
This ungratefulness is the radical core of atheism. On the surface the man may not be denying God, but if he is complaining about life he is denying God. He may be a churchgoer but if he complains about life then he is not in love with God and he has not understood the word 'God' at all. God can be understood only in deep gratefulness. To me, through utter gratefulness something happens to human consciousness -- that something is God. But It happens only when one is immensely grateful, tremendously grateful, utterly grateful."

Huom. jos joku erehtyy sekoittamaan viimeisintä lainausta (väistämättä) mihinkään tiettyyn uskontoon tai liittyvän kristinuskon jumalaan, niin.... noh, ihan sama. mutta kirjoittaja joka tap on (alun perin) hindulainen (tosin ei ole sitäkään)....

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